Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Phoenix and the Dove

Lately I have been contemplating a LOT on the Holy Spirit and how we are inspirited by both fire and peace at alternating times. There are times when we are angered by injustice, times when we feel complete peace when surrounded by nature, times when we are made uncomfortable by situations and are prompted to act. This is all the Holy Spirit, but taking different forms in our lives!

Think on the phoenix and the dove. Both are birds, both have supernatural associations. Phoenixes are associated with rebirth, wisdom, fire, passion, and faithfulness. Doves are associated with meekness, peace, love, gentleness, and softness. There are times when we are inspirited by both simultaneously, times when we are aware of one but not the other, and times when neither are felt, but are still there.

I would like to argue that fire is a purifying gift of the Holy Spirit. We live in a sinful world, full of injustices and ignorance. Our hearts were made for God, and the fire of our love for Him will burn away all impurities! This is why we can often feel a sense of peace after righting a wrong, doing a good deed, or going to Confession. There is peace in the calm after the storm, in the quiet contemplation after the fire. In the charred remains of our hearts and souls after the fires of our sufferings, we find that we are reduced to the basics in our hearts and souls, and God can truly work and live in us like He did in Mary!!

Lord, let us feel the fire of injustice, let it enter our hearts that burning desire to know you and serve you!!! In its wake, we ask for the peace of your Kingdom, that you might make in us a dwelling place as you did in Mary, Our Mother and Your Mother!

In Christ through Mary,
Christina :)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this beautiful reflection Christina! I know that God has been trying to 'make something' out of this lump of clay for many years now.

    Beautiful blog. May He continue to bless and inspire your writing! ☺

    In Christ, booklady
